About The Yantra

Energy of The Kailasa Yantra

The Ichhashakti, the Kriyashakti & the Jnanashakti

The Kailasa Yantra is a combination of three concentric layers denoting the threefold energies at work – the Ichhashakti, the Kriyashakti and the Jnanashakti for the realization of karma. Ichhashakti is the 'energy of desire' which if substantiated by righteous action Kriyashakti - the 'energy of activity' and supported by Jnanashakti - the 'energy of knowledge' unfolds as Creation at all levels from the macrocosm to the microcosm, including attainment of human desires.

According to

Religious Belief

Every human is born with a balance of good and bad karmas from previous lives with a pre-destined path.

But the path consists of many achievable and non-achievable goals. The greatness of having a human birth lies in the fact that it is possible for us to destroy bad karmas and create good karmas through righteous action based on dharma. Thus, human life is a boon to create and reinvent oneself, to attain perceived and unperceived goals till that which is non- achievable becomes achievable. All you need to do is to align with the three energies of the universe! The Kailasa Yantra exactly just does that for you, so that attainment of your desires become easily possible.


Ichhashakti - THE MAGIC SQUARE

The centre of the Kailasa Yantra consists of a numeric diagram of 3 x 3 which is popularly called the Magic Square.

The Ichhashakti

Magic Square

Its first known reference being the sanskrit text 'Gargasamhita' it has since travelled the globe across cultures and religions, revered in different names in both- the East as well as the West. Mythically, the Magic Square was first revealed to the Devi by Lord Shiva and called the 'Sundari Yantra' which is described as being supreme amongst Yantras, without a match and a perfect blessing for humans striving to attain their desires. The different permutations and combinations of this yantra are used to achieve seemingly different goals. Even the shatkarmas can be achieved with this One yantra alone. The Yantra was so named by Lord Shiva because of its multiplicity in 'One' just like the Devi who is worshipped in different forms and is yet the only one 'Shakti'.


In the Kailasa Yantra, the numerics are arranged according to the 'Lo Shu'. The basic 3 x 3 Magic Square with single numbers 1 to 9 is designed in such a way that the sum of 3 numbers in any column, whether horizontal, vertical or diagonal adds up to 15. Thus, it is also known as the 'Panchadashi Yantra' popularly called Pandrahva Yantra in hindi.

The Number 15

The number 15 is related to the Devi, as she is described to have 15 kalas correlated to the Moon which waxes and wanes for 15 tithis each. Icchashakti is related to the Moon, the feminine, the ida-nadi with its seat being the manah the essence of the heart.

Seed of desire

It is here that the seed of desire first arises. The Magic Square aligns one's desire to the cosmic creative seed of icchashakti so that fulfillment becomes possible just like a boat which flows with the course of the river and arrives at its destination effortlessly.
The Famous

Magic Square

The most famous version of the Magic Square is the Luo Shu discovered by the Chinese mythical King Yu found on the back of the Great Golden Turtle. It also corresponds to the Nine Stacked Swastika Mountain in Tibetan Bon.

Kriyashakti - THE 8 TRIAGRAMS

Surrounding the Magic Square are the 8 trigrams as depicted in the I-Ching.


According to the famous Tibetan treatise 'Vaidurya dkar Po' the 8 trigrams were simply called the 'kha brgyad' - the assembly of 8 forces which later transformed into 'spar khabrgyad' meaning the '8 blazing trigrams'. Incidentally the 'blazing' forces in Vajrayana Budhhism are the 8 Herukas of the Nyigma Mahayoga always appearing in the Yab-Yum state. They correspond to the 8 Bhairavas worshipped with their Yoginis in Kapalika Shaivism. The trigrams too are a combination of Yang and Yin lines.

Yab - Yum

Male-Female principle is common in Taosim (Yin-Yang), Tibetan Vajrayana (Yab-Yum) and Shaivism (Shiva-Shakti, Purusha-Prakriti). Moreover, all of them attribute the Active Principle - kriya in the whole universe to the 8 forces of nature, the 8 Herukas and the 8 Bhairavas respectively. Also, there are exactly 8 permutations and combinations of the Magic Square.

Active principle

In the Kailasa Yantra, the 8 trigrams are arranged according to the Later Heaven Sequence Ba Gua as described in Taoism to embody the Energies of the Heaven, Lake, Fire, Thunder, Wind, Water, Mountain and the Earth which are the cause of all transformations in the universe. In the tantric tradition, the Bhairava embodies the energy of activity - Kriyashakti, which is central to the theme of the energy triad -

is related to Agni

The transformative principle, the energy arising from the Union of the male and female principles and the sushumna nadi which culminates in the Ajna chakra which is also the seat of the blazing Third Eye.

Kriyashakti is that which gives momentum to Ichhashakti, the kinetic energy required to transform an inactive desire to bear fruit through appropriate action. The Bhairava is the epitome of dedicated hard work aptly conveyed in the Shiva Sutras as CÚ‘mo ^¡ad…& Most of our desires remain unfulfilled because we lack the energy to put our dreams into action, and if at all we act upon it, we tend to give it up easily in the face of adverse circumstances.

also called

Bhairava Yantra

But if we are blessed with the energy of the Bhairava - the blazing one, we acquire enormous strength and resilience to withstand obstacles. Even if confronted by the most adverse situations when the blazing fire is subdued, the kriyashakti endures like an ember ready to be stoked, to be re-ignited with the change in the wind into a blazing Fire again.

The Kailasa Yantra gives its wearer enormous strength and courage, a die-hard attitude and a resilient will to achieve the goal and fulfill all desires. It changes the person into a fiery Bhairava and hence, it is also called the Bhairava Yantra. The Ashta Bhairavas are the 8 fiery energies that can subdue any and all kinds of obstacles.

The power of the Kailasa Yantra is mainly because of the consecration of the Ashta Bhairavas in the scheme of its larger design.


Jnanashakti - THE ZODIAC

The external layer of the Kailasa Yantra surrounding the 8 trigrams is the depiction of the Chinese Zodiac consisting of the 12 animals.

Time as

The Zodiac

In Tibetan astrology the zodiac denotes a 60 year cycle of 5 elements coupled to the 12 animals.

It suggests that times change and the knowledge of time is an essential consideration for any action to be taken in achieving our goals. No farmers will sow their seeds in the dry season. Likewise, the knowledge of appropriate time to activate the seed of our desire makes achievement of our goals easier. It also denotes that one should act according to ‘the Time’ in tandem with the forces of nature and personal periods of auspiciousness.

Zodiac as

The 12 Aditya

In the Indian context there is a much broader meaning to the Zodiac. The Zodiac gains meaning and effectiveness only when the Sun transits that particular sign. Thus, we have the concept of the 12 Adityas. The 12 Adityas are the changing aspects of the Sun as observed from the Earth in perspective to the Zodiac, but actually the Sun is a stationary central figure of our solar system around which all planets revolve. The Sun is unmoving, ever radiant and unaffected by other moving objects around it. Thus, the Sun is equated to the Atman (soul) which is without any atributes and unaffected by the activity of manas (heart).


The word jnana in the scriptures is synonymous to 'atmajnana' – not just any type of knowledge but that gained from the soul.

The Soul is that which connects us to the Universe and atmajana is the knowledge derived by being connected to it. To act in tandem with the universe is called ‘dharma’. In this sense, the symbology of the Zodiac not only gives you the guidance of time but also keeps you firmly on the path of righteousness. If your desires and goals are not acknowledged by dharma, the fruition will not only become difficult but will come with consequences.

Jnanashakti is

Enlightened Knowledge

Thus, the Zodiac in the Kailasa Yantra denotes Jnanashakti and is related to the Sun, the Enlightened awareness in us and the pingala nadi. It also signifies firmness within in- spite of the turbulence created by action externally, just like the Sun in the Centre of all the planets and still being the cause of seasonal changes on the Earth. The wearer of the Kailasa Yantra becomes endowed with a special awareness which if used internally, helps in spiritual Enlightenment and when used externally, helps in achieving seemingly unachievable goals and atainment of all desires.

The Kailasa Yantra's

Shree Kailasa Mantra

The Kapali's Kailasa Mantra is circumferenced by the following mantra -
ll Om Bhadreshwar Bhadram Poorai Poorai Swaha ll

Om = Pranav
Bhadreshwar = the Deity
Bhadram = one who is Auspicious
Poorai Poorai = keep on fulfilling
Swaha = offering for receiving grace of the Deity

It is a very powerful mantra recited in the rituals of the Kailasa Yantra. It gives all-round success to
whoever recites it ardently.

Bhadra general means ‘Auspiciousness’ as in ‘…..sarve bhadrani pashyantu’. Bhadreshwar is one of the names of Shiva who is the cause of Auspiciousness. Bhadra is also a river from the sky flowing on the Mount Meru and sourcing four earthly rivers – Brahmputra, Sindhu, Ganga and may be Saraswati in ancient times.

The above mantra is adapted from Jainism where Bhadreshwar is associated with Shyamla Pashwanath. It is also associated with the legendary Jain philanthropist Jagdusha attributing his wealth to magical events. His unlimited wealth, maritime trade empire, granaries inexhaustible even during famine fuels the efficacy of this mantra.


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